Insights & News

27 May 2022
Jose Costa
GDPR fines hit hard in 2021, especially hammering fast-growing and evolving businesses for accidental or careless EU GDPR violations. Tugboat Logic’s CISO, Jose Costa, explains how creating a pr ... more>
18 May 2022
Rudy Shoushany
The digital transformation era has arrived, and with it has come countless innovations for businesses to explore. The pandemic has ...
04 May 2022
Sagar Goel, J. Puckett, Pablo Claver, and Orsolya Kovacs-Ondrejkovic
The World Economic Forum estimates that more than half of all employees around the world need to upskill or reskill by 2025 to emb ...
22 April 2022
Huck Chuah and Pascal Raven
To be effective, internal auditors must earn credibility and trust from their stakeholders by demonstrating that they have the rig ...
13 April 2022
Edward Segal
Risks and threats are precursors to corporate crisis situations. Some risks are universal, and pose a threat to every company, while other are relativ ...
11 April 2022
Matthew Bisanz and Brad Resnikoff
Many AML frameworks are designed specifically for banks. If your non-bank organization is required to conduct AML compliance, but follows a bank-tailo ...
29 March 2022
Emily VanVleet and Donna Stephens
Chief financial officers understand the importance of tax having a seat at the table in major business decision planning. According to Deloitte Global ...
17 March 2022
Rasmus Hougaard, Jacqueline Carter, and Marissa Afton
Tens of millions of women have left the workforce since the start of the pandemic, many permanently. This has lowered women’s participation in t ...
07 March 2022
Richard Stevenson
The future of any organization lies in its ability to adapt to a digital-first future, especially as the pandemic continues to boost demand for digita ...
14 Feburary 2022
Neil Hodge
Fines for corporate crimes last year fell by more than half to 8.7 billion euros (U.S. $9.9 billion) from 2020’s total of €20 billion (U.S. ...
28 January 2022
Mark Enticott
Bowen Partners wishes you and your family a happy, healthy and prosperous Year of the Tiger. ...
26 January 2022
Mark Enticott
Bowen Partners wishes all Australians a Happy Australia Day. ...